Blockchain explorer

A web-based tool or application that allows users to search and navigate a particular blockchain. These explorers provide detailed information about transactions, blocks, addresses, and other relevant data recorded on the blockchain. They play a crucial role in enhancing transparency and accessibility of blockchain data. Here are key features and functions of a crypto blockchain explorer:

Transaction Lookup: Users can search for specific transactions using their transaction IDs (TxID). The explorer shows details such as the amount of cryptocurrency transferred, the sending and receiving addresses, transaction fees, and the number of confirmations the transaction has received.

Block Information: Blockchain explorers enable users to view details about individual blocks, including the block height (its position in the blockchain), the time it was mined, the miner who mined it, the number of transactions it contains, and the total reward.

What is a blockchain explorer

Address Query: Users can inspect any wallet address, viewing the balance, transaction history, and sometimes even the distribution of holdings if the address is for a token with multiple assets.

Network Statistics: Many explorers provide broader data about the blockchain they are tracking, such as the current difficulty level, transaction throughput, hash rate, and more. This data is essential for understanding the overall health and activity level of the network.

Mempool Status: Some explorers also offer insights into the mempool, where transactions wait before being confirmed. This can include information on the number of pending transactions and the average fees.

Smart Contract Interaction: For blockchains supporting smart contracts, like Ethereum, explorers can often show data related to contract interactions, including internal transactions that are not directly recorded on the blockchain as standard transactions.

Token Tracking: For platforms that support various types of tokens (like ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum), explorers can track transactions and balances of these tokens apart from the main cryptocurrency of the blockchain.

For Edelcoin, information on Etherscan can be found here.

Educational Resource: Explorers are not just tools for advanced users but also serve as educational resources for those looking to learn more about how blockchain technology works in practice.

A blockchain explorer is an essential tool for anyone involved in cryptocurrency, whether they're a regular user, developer, or researcher, as it provides a window into all the activities occurring on a blockchain.